SAT语法:IES Grammar
In the 1980’s, the median price of a house more than twice doubled, generally outdistancing the rate of inflation.
London differs from other cities, such as Paris and New York, in that its shopping areas are so widely spread out. No error.
Of the two options, neither the system of appointing judges to the bench nor the process of electing judges are entirely satisfactory. No error Is(就近原则)
The television station has received many complaints about the clothing advertisements, which some viewers condemn to be tasteless. No error As (condemn sth. as adj.)
Led(指路,引领) by vocalist(歌手)Marlena McGhee Smalls, Gullah tradition is preserved by the help of the Hallelujah Signers of South Carolina through songs and stories. A.“
B.the Hallelujah Signers of South Carolina help to preserve Gullah tradition through songs and stories C.It is the Hallelujah Signers that help to preserve the songs and stories of Gullah tradition in South Carolina
D.The songs and stories of Gullah tradition are preserved through the Hallelujah Singers of South Carolina
E.South Carolina’s Gullah tradition is preserved through songs and stories by the Hallelujah Singers
Smallest of the copperhead snakes, the broad-banded copperhead, if disturbed, vibrates its tail rapidly, and they are also known to secrete a substance that smells like cucumbers. A.rapidly, and they are also known to secrete a B.rapidly, and it is known that they secrete a
C.rapidly, and is also known to secrete a (parallel) D.rapidly also secreting their
E.rapidly, in addition, ti secretes its
According to journalist Howard Mansfield, a person feels a need to reconnect with and recover the past; therefore they preserve and endlessly recycle old objects.
A.a person feels a need to reconnect with and recover the past; therefore B.since a person feels a need to reconnect with and recover the past
C.since a person needs to feel a reconnection with and recovery of the past, therefore
D.a need to reconnect with and recover the past is a feeling for many people, and therefore E.many people feel a need to reconnect with and recover the past; therefore
Most of the books around this old house smell of mildew, and if you pick one up, you will find that the spine has deteriorated and their covers have(singular form) rotted. No error


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