
在词汇的备考中,我们的各位小伙伴们在备考的时候往往不知道该从哪里开始备考,实际上词汇的备考也是讲究程序的,我们在记忆的时候从特定的词组入手,一起来看看小编带来的GRE填空词汇 转折词汇总!




常见的并列连词有:in that, additionally, again, moreover, further, furthermore, in the same manner, as well as, along with, furthermore, in the same way, just as, also, likewise, in addition to, like, similar to, similarly, for example, for instance, as an example, namely, that is。

常见的因果关系过渡词有:because, because of, as a result, therefore, consequently, in consequence, hence, thus, since, so that, in order to。

2. 转折关系


常见的转折连词有:although, but, however, instead, nevertheless, on the other hand, rather than, though, otherwise, rather, despite, in spite of,whereas, even if, while.

常见的负面语气词包括:curiously, ironically, paradoxically, far from, in deed, actually, in fact, compared with, unlike.