

GMAT写作  高分作文构成







一般情况下都是一段攻击一个主要的逻辑问题。如果逻辑错误很多,那么可以在最后一个正文段集中批判一下,而最后一段中的每个错误点到为止即可。对于除此以外的逻辑错误,我们都应该至少提供一个能批驳原论证的反例或假设。而对于正文段落(除去开头段和结尾段)的数量,没有正确或错误之分,但由于每篇官方 Argument文章都含有2个以上的正文段,我们的文章的正文段数量最好应达到2至4段,全篇最好为4至6段,每个正文段针对一个主要的问题, 每段以4-8句话为宜。句子太少会导致论证不充分,而如果一段超过8句必然有重复的内容,论证效果就会有缺陷,因此每段的句子数量并非越多越好。

GMAT写作  高分作文赏析

  1 开头

In this argument, the arguer concludes/ suggests/ makes a suggestion/ makes a conclusion that…To justify this conclusion/ suggestion/ argument, the arguer points out/ cites that…The arguer also points out/ cites that…Although the argument/ conclusion/ suggestion seems plausible, after closely scrutinizing this argument, I find that this argument is logically flawed in several aspects, which render it unconvincing as it stands.

2 结尾

In conclusion, despite that fact that this argument seems appealing, it has several logical flaws, and is therefore unpersuasive as it stands. To bolster his or her argument, the arguer must provide more information which can show that…To better support this argument, the arguer should also provide…To better evaluate this argument, I would also need to know that…

3 调查问题

A threshold problem with this argument involves a survey/ study/ research itself. The statistical reliability of the survey/study/research/ is really dubious可疑 for the reason that the speaker provide no evidence which can show that the number of the respondents( 这里建议替换成调查研究中的群体。比如针对谁提问就写谁) is statistically significant or that the respondents were representative of the overall group of people(接所有群体,比如北京市所有的一类群体) in general. Common sense tells us that the smaller the size of the sample, the greater the possibility for biased results, the less reliable the result of the survey and the less reliable any general conclusions drawn from the survey. That is to say, (你要开始攻击了) The number of participants, 100(文中数据), might be just an insufficiently small sample on which cannot be justifiably relied to draw any reliable conclusions about… Also, the sample might be not necessarily representative of (所有群体). Lacking the information about the randomness and the size of the survey sample, the speaker cannot convince me to believe in the result of the survey—let alone draw any broader recommendation based on the survey/study/research/ result.

用于结尾总结的句型: To better support this argument, the arguer should provide more information to show that the respondents of the survey are statistically significant in number and can represent the overall …


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