IELTS听力: 最常见的陷阱——最常见的陷阱
所谓的同义替换就是出现在题目中的关键词和关键词组不会在你听到的录音中直接出 现,而是以“同义词”或“近义的表达”来替换出现(属于“训练方法”中所提到的复 现效应)。分析发现,由于雅思听力考试中几乎一半以上的题目都存在“同义替换陷阱”,这样就对考生定位关键词造成了很大的障碍,占了总失分率的 60%,所 以考生一定要努力攻克这个难关。
I. 近义词替换 由于雅思听力考试中填写的答案以名词为主,所以近义“动词”的替换概率很高,请考 生引起注意,平时可以注意积累。
{真题范例} Before starting the ………………………. ( 剑桥真题 6 Test 2 Section 3 Question 30 )
固定搭配:embark upon(开始从事)
原文录音:My advice would be to get it done before you embark upon the research. 近义替换:start(开始)← 对应 → embark(开始)
{真题范例} The ancestors of the Gir Sanctuary lions were protected by a …… ( 剑桥真题 6 Test 4 Section 4 Question 37 )
原文录音:descended from a few dozen lions that were saved by a prince who took a particular interest in them.
近义替换:protect(保护)← 对应 → save(拯救)
雅思听力考试中,偶尔会出现近义“形容词”的替换,由于这类陷阱比较特殊,往往让 考生防不胜防,失分率极高。
{真题范例} Inhabitants lived in conditions of great …. with very poor sanitation. ( 剑桥真题 6 Test 2 Section 3 Question 30 )
原文录音:Those who could afford to live in more pleasant surroundings moved out, and the area became one where the vast majority of people lived in extreme poverty.
近义替换:great(巨大的)← 对应 → extreme(极度的)
II. 近义词组替换 近义词组的替换在听力考试中出现概率很高,特别是带有 of 的词组,此类陷阱出现的 很有规律性。带有 of 的词组有 50%的概率会出现替换,但考生只要用心留意,就能抓 住考点。TPO 小站老师总结归纳了雅思真题中最具典型性的替换形式,请考生仔细研究。
{真题范例} Agricultural workers came from other parts of ……… to look for work. ( 剑桥真题 6 Test 1 Section 4 Question 35 )
原文录音: And in the late sixteenth century, when much of the rest of England was suffering economically, a lot of agricultural workers came to the East End to look for alternative work. 近
义替换:other parts of(其他地方)← 对应 →rest of(其他地方)
{真题范例} For their assignment, the students must investigate one part of the…( 剑桥真题 6 Test 3 Section 3 Question 21 )
本题答案: entertainment industry(娱乐业)。
原文录音:Well, it says here we have to look at one area of the entertainment industry.
近义替换:one part of(一种)← 对应 → one area of (一种)
{真题范例} The libraries on both sites provide internet access and have a variety of ……….… materials on education. ( 剑桥真题 6 Test 4 Section 3 Question 21 )
原文录音: Access to online databases and the Internet is available at both sites and each site has a range of reference materials on education.
近义替换: a variety of(多种)← 对应 → a range of(多种) (词组 a variety of 在雅思听力考试中有 60%概率是对应 a range of)
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