大家周五好呀!很多小伙伴在做GRE填空题的时候总是觉得题目没头没尾,感觉一点都不make sense,那么今天我们就一起来看看这些真题的原句吧!
GRE填空 定位题源精读
unimpeachable 无可指责的;无可怀疑的
2.While vaccination promotion in the antebellum black press was ________, appealing to readers’ sense of communal duty in culturally resonant ways, such appeals became even more direct after the Civil War began. With the social and financial systems that supported southern slavery at last under direct military assault—and with the mustering of troops in camps on the outskirts of Philadelphia seeding concentrated smallpox outbreaks in the city’s environs—the black press began to promote vaccination with both new _______ and increased emphasis upon civic duty.
hortatory 激励的;劝告的
urgency 紧急;催促
3.For decades, Pluto was the magically ______ planet. It was first thought to be about as large as Earth — nearly 8,000 miles wide — but subsequent measurements had it smaller and smaller.
shrinking 畏缩的;犹豫不决的
4.Every illness is a story, and Annie Page’s began with the kinds of small, ______ details that mean nothing until seen in hindsight.
unexceptional 非例外的;普通的
5.The decision to have a child depends on innumerable personal considerations and large, unaccountable societal factors that are in constant flux. Yet even knowing this, demographers themselves are often _______. Projections of birthrates and population totals are often embarrassingly at odds with eventual reality.
flummoxed 困惑的
6.The brain has become, for many, __________ the biological machinations of the self, and the self-knowledge promised by neuroscience has ignited a hunger to understand how it weighs in on age-old questions
synonymous with 与…同义
7.In sum, whatever the acknowledged _______ of the market and the merits of considering ways to _____ them, invoking preferential public policies toward this end entails the inevitable risk of other shortcomings that will accompany the remedial public policies.
shortcomings 毛病
remedy 补救;治疗;纠正
8.We give ourselves altogether too much credit in our dealings with other species. Even the _____ nature that domestication supposedly represents is _____. It takes two to perform that particular dance, after all, and plenty of plants and animals have elected to _______. Try as they might, people have never been able to domesticate the oak tree, whose highly nutritious acorns remain far too bitter for humans to eat.
power over 控制权
overstated 夸大;夸张;过分强调
sit it out 袖手旁观
9.Foresters around the world have been battling bark beetles for centuries, but the scale of recent outbreaks in North America has been _______.
unprecedented 空前的;无前例的
10.In both our online survey and the Pew data, we find that low-wage and low-income workers are often the least likely to support increases in the minimum wage. The relatively ____ support among low-income workers for such a transfer is consistent with last-place aversion, as those who are marginally better off seek to _________ to distinguish themselves from those in “last place.”
tepid 微温的,温热的;不太热烈的
retain their ability 保持能力
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