
TOEFL写作  28分攻略

何谓有效?就是地道地、有效率地、简洁地表达出意思。大家都会有种误解——句式越复杂越好,也就越容易拿高分。这有一定道理,毕竟句式越是摇曳多姿,也 就越体现一个考生的写作水平,自然分数也高;但是,如果把摇曳多姿实践为东施效屏,就得不偿失了。不是所有的句子都要越长越好。托福作文写作汇中“句子越 长越好”这绝对是大错特错的观点。切记英语的句子永远只能有一个主语,不像中文——可以用无限的逗号把无数的主谓宾结构融为一个句子。英语中,唯一主谓宾结构、主谓表是很关键的。如果犯了这点,会被打上表达不清的标签。




Talk it out. When moving from one job to another or transitioning between bosses and departments you can easily get stuck with twice the work. You might be eager to start the new job, but the expert advises sitting down with the old and new bosses together to reach an agreement about how the transition will be handled. Who will take over your old role? What will your new job’s responsibilities entail? If you’re asked to take on work in addition to what you do now, ask for a priority list and find out who you will report to for the new responsibilities.及时与上司沟通。当更换工作,或换到其他上司手下或其他部门时,你很容易被双倍工作压得不知所措。也许你渴望开始新工作,但专家建议你应当与新、旧上司坐到一起,就如何过渡工作达成共识。谁来接手你以前的职务?你的新工作需要你承担哪些责任?如果你被要求在现有工作之外额外承担任务,索要一张工作优先级列表,找出你应该向谁汇报新工作。

Understand the new rules.Just because you are still in the same company, doesn’t mean you will be playing by the same rules. Take the time to learn how things operate in your new work situation. Do not say “It’s easy to think, I know the company, and I’ve been here for 20 years”. It’s really important not to assume that it’s the same. While you handed in monthly reports and held monthly meetings in your old job, a new manager may expect you to report your progress weekly or meet more frequently. Be sure to ask about these details early on. And talk to colleagues about the particulars of the departmental culture.


Stay open. Reorganization usually leads to angst and fear among employees, whether it’s a favorite co-worker whose place you’ll be taking or former peers who now report to you. You’ll be bringing whatever old baggage you have and dealing with the worries of new colleagues. Don’t be surprised by push-back from co-workers who may see your new role as a threat. Be open with your colleagues about your role and how it fits into the group.



Learn to let go. Consider in advance what might happen if you’re needed back in the old job — even temporarily. Will your new manager be on board with the idea? Can other colleagues or outside consultants help if a crisis hits and your hands are full? Make sure you run interference for yourself, and plan for the unexpected.



Manage your relationships. While you may have a new set of colleagues, preserving relationships with old co-workers and managers is important, particularly in such a volatile work environment. Stop by to say hello or to invite a former boss to coffee. There’s so much reorganization. You might end up back with those people.



