

IELTS口语 5-8月Part1机经 话题: Map


1.Do you often use maps?

Yeah! Of course. I’m always using a map while traveling in Shanghai basically because Shanghai is too big and complicate for me to find the right place. Usually, I would install a map app in my mobile phone previously.

2. When do you use a map?

When I was traveling outside my hometown, I used the map frequently. Not only from the map can I know the destination but also I can have a rough picture of the city.

3.Who taught you how to use a map?

Well, my friend Tommy taught me how to use the map. Before that, I could be totally lost when I am traveling by myself. I learnt how to read map fast because he was a good teacher and was really master of using maps.

4.Do you prefer to use electronic maps or those made of paper?

I prefer to use electronic maps to those made of paper not only because the former is more convenient and easier to carry than the latter, but also because electronic ones can position the location.


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